As you sit here reading this description, there are probably several things you wish your "present" self could go back and tell your "younger" self about life. I'm right there with you and that's why I wrote this book. These are the things I would have told my younger self about elearning and creating elearning courses. They would have saved me valuable time, money and a lot of frustration...Here are just a few of the things you will learn when you buy this book:How the Iphone can make people love your elearning courses. Steve Jobs spent years developing this technique.Why style guides are crucial to the success of an elearning course. People trust consistency and style guides provide that.Objectives vs. goals. Do you know the difference? How your favorite websites can give your elearning a huge boost. You look at these sites every day for a reason; use that same reason to get people to love your courses. Why screen count doesn't matter to the learner. If you dazzle them with content, the length of the course won't matter. How subject matter experts can actually hurt your courses. They are valuable sources of information but their information can sometimes be too much!Why your kid's comic books can jumpstart your elearning courses. Comic books have a magical ability to capture our imagination; use that same technique to capture the imagination of your learners. And much more...These tidbits of advice can be used by any person who has ever considered creating elearning or has ever been involved in the elearning process. Follow my advice and watch your elearning flourish!